Volunteer with us

Our trained volunteers are essential to delivering Dublin Rape Crisis Centre services to survivors of sexual violence and providing much-needed support in other areas of our work.

Do you have 4 hours a week to make a difference?  

Dublin Rape Crisis Centre is there for anyone affected by sexual violence, every step of the way. Our mission is to prevent the harm and heal the trauma of rape and other forms of sexual violence. Every year, DRCC receives more than 15,000 contacts on the 24-hour freephone National Helpline and provides accompaniment to victims/survivors seeking forensic medical attention at the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) at any time of day or night. The centre also provides accompaniment to those going through the legal process at Garda stations and in court.    

To maintain these services, DRCC is seeking volunteers for the following roles: 

  • Volunteer Crisis Counsellor on the National Helpline
    This role involves providing crisis counselling over the phone on the 24/7 sexual violence counselling line and via DRCC's online webchat service to those affected by sexual violence. Crisis counsellors offer empathy, listening, affirmation, support and accurate information. This National Helpline is used by survivors, victims, their supporters and frontline professionals. 
  • Volunteer Accompaniment Support at the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) 
    This role involves providing accompaniment support to those attending the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) after rape or sexual assault, for medical and forensic examinations. The accompaniment service is available to victims/survivors and any supporters with them. During their time with Dublin Rape Crisis Centre, volunteers will be offered further training by our Accompaniment Department to provide accompaniment to court and garda stations.


Interested in volunteering with us? 
Please fill out this application form! 

If you would like to know more about the role or the volunteer training, please join us for an information evening on 16th or 18th September at 6.30pm

You can register your attendance via this online poll.  Applications will be closing on the 20th September at 6pm. 

Why volunteer with us?  

The decision to volunteer is very personal. By answering the phone on the National Helpline or accompanying people at a very difficult time in their lives, DRCC volunteers make a real difference. Creating a connection at these critical times can have a meaningful impact on a person’s journey. 

The volunteering programme at DRCC offers specialised, comprehensive training delivered by professionals that introduces volunteers to crisis counselling. This training and the work the volunteers undertake provides rich life experience and learnings. Volunteers commit to DRCC’s mission and work independently, with ongoing support via regular check-ins with staff and monthly peer support meetings with a vibrant team of volunteers. During their time with DRCC, volunteers develop invaluable support and active listening skills which contribute to creating a safe space for victims/survivors.  

Our volunteers provide invaluable support to victims and survivors of sexual violence, and we are profoundly grateful for their generosity and integrity.  

Barbara Vol Video - 2022 (2)


Click to watch a volunteer testimony

Barbara Vol Video - 2022Barbara Vol Video - 2022 (1)

Volunteer requirements 

Time commitment: 

  • 4 shifts per month (between 16 and 32 hours, depending on shifts) 
  • Attending a monthly peer support meeting (either Monday or Tuesday lunchtimes and evening times available) 
  • In-person attendance at all training dates (see below). 


Volunteers must attend all training dates in person, commencing on 11th of October 2024 for four weekends:   

  • 11th October (evening) 
  • 12th & 13th October (whole days) 
  • 19th & 20th October (whole days) 
  • 23rd October (4pm to 6pm) 
  • 2nd & 3rd November (whole days) 
  • 9th November (whole day) 

Other requirements:  

DRCC volunteers must: 

  • Be a minimum of 24 years of age and have fluent English 
  • Have access to a reliable and secure private internet/broadband service and a secure private space to take confidential calls 
  • Be able to keep strict confidentiality about all aspects of the work and adhere to all GDPR requirements