Get involved

There are many different ways you can get involved with DRCC’s work:

Volunteer with us

Our trained volunteers are essential to delivering Dublin Rape Crisis Centre services to survivors of sexual violence and providing much-needed support in other areas of our work. Learn more on how to volunteer with us.

Fundraise for us

At Dublin Rape Crisis Centre, we see the devastating impact of sexual violence on people’s lives every day. We are working hard not just to help people to heal in the aftermath of that violence, but also to prevent it from happening in the first place. To continue this work, we need your help. Find out more about the different ways you can make a difference.

Campaign with us

Sexual violence damages lives in a pervasive and lasting way. With its mission to 'prevent the hurt and heal the trauma of sexual violence,' Dublin Rape Crisis Centre has campaigned for more than 40 years for stronger legal and policy measures against rape and sexual abuse. It has also worked to promote appropriate education and awareness-raising around healthy relationships and sexual consent that will lead to a society with zero tolerance for sexual violence. Learn more about our different campaigns.

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