Fundraise for us

At Dublin Rape Crisis Centre we see the devastating impact of sexual violence on people’s lives every day. We are working hard not just to help people to heal in the aftermath of that violence, but also to prevent it from happening in the first place.

To continue this work, we need your help.

How can I make a difference?

There are many ways you can get involved.

  • Donate now:  
    We are grateful for any donation, no matter the amount, that helps us to continue to deliver our services to survivors of sexual violence and to work for an Ireland that does not tolerate these acts.  Click here to donate today or text DRCC to 50300 to donate €4.

    Texts cost €4.00. DRCC will receive a minimum of €3.60. (Service Provider: LIKECHARITY. Helpline: 01 481 9311.)

    If you would like to talk to us about making a donation, please contact our Fundraising Team on 01 661 4911 or

  • Events & challenges: Join us for an event, take on a challenge – or organise your own!
    Every year we organise a number of varied events that give you the chance to do something that you enjoy, while also making a difference. Read more on our events page.

  • Leave a legacy: Leaving a gift in your will can be a very personal, thoughtful way to support a cause that you care about. A legacy to Dublin Rape Crisis Centre will contribute to a better society for future generations. It will help build a society that does not tolerate sexual violence; and when sexual assaults do occur, it will help make sure that victims continue to receive the supports they need to recover from their trauma. Learn more about leaving a gift in your will in favour of Dublin Rape Crisis Centre.

  • Corporate partnerships:
    Your business can make a tremendous difference in our society and our communities.  We want to learn about your business – your objectives and your values - so that we can understand how a partnership with DRCC can deliver your strategy, while also tackling the harm caused by sexual violence. Read more here about how we can work with you, your management team and your staff to launch a mutually beneficial partnership.

  • Philanthropic giving: Become a catalyst for change in Irish society
    Individual and family philanthropists and grant-making trusts and foundations have the power to transform our community. We would be delighted to focus your support on the issues that matter most to you: from policy work, to educational change; from counselling and therapy services to training programmes; from volunteer support to accompaniment services. We are here to discuss the innovation that your support could bring about. Please read more here about the significant impact you could make.

Thanks to the commitment of many individuals, companies, trusts, foundations and statutory funders that we rely on to fundraise for us, we are making a difference and reaching more people than ever:

  • Each year we support more than 18,000 people through a range of services and provide specialised training to hundreds of professionals and frontline staff.
  • We are making sure that decision-makers and legislators see the evidence on sexual violence and know what needs to change, by contributing to policy and raising awareness on key issues.
  • For anyone wishing to give us feedback on our work, including our fundraising, please read our policy document.

With your help, we can achieve even more. Thank you.