Upcoming DRCC Dignity at Work Training Programmes March 2016
04 February 2016
Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Harassment can occur in any workplace, with often devastating effects for the individuals involved and for the organisation. Employers have a responsibility in law to protect staff and service users from these behaviours. Dublin Rape Crisis Centre has been involved in providing training on these issues since 1988 to private companies, state and semi-state bodies, industry and voluntary organisations. DRCC also provides training in-house upon request.
Responsible and forward thinking companies and organisations will ensure that they have the understanding and skills needed to prevent these behaviours arising, and to deal with them effectively when they do arise. DRCC ‘s Dignity at Work for Managers training on 1ST March will address these issues and equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to respond effectively to matters relating to respect and dignity in the workplace.
DRCC’S Support Contact Person Training on 9th and 10th March will provide those appointed as Support Contact Persons with the knowledge and skills necessary for taking on this important role and an opportunity to really practice being in the role through role play and case studies and develop the relevant soft skills associated with it. There is plenty of time for discussion about the more sensitive aspects of complaints that may arise both from the perspective of both the complainant and those accused. The appointment of and training of Support Contact Persons are in themselves proactive measures which are consistent with current Codes of Practice.
Feedback on this training as with the Dignity at Work Training to date has been consistently extremely favourable. All trainings include comprehensive written support material in packs for participants to support them in their role. For further information go to: Dignity at Work 2016