E-Health ‘Moving Forward’ & Pornography Education
18 July 2019
The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre was delighted to announce two new initiatives during our 2018 Annual Report launch, Tuesday 16th of July 2019. The report was launched by Minister for Health, Simon Harris, TD, you can access the full report here: 2018 Annual Report
E- Health Project, Moving Forward:
Moving Forward from Sexual Violence is a new e-health initiative co-developed by Dublin Rape Crisis Centre and KRTS International Ltd. It is a unique, blended online and therapist-supported programme and was designed specifically to help victims/survivors of sexual violence understand their experience, and develop tools and insight that will help them to begin their journey of recovery. More details here: Moving Forward
Prevention of harm, a focus on pornography:
A recent focus of our Youth Programmes is the issue of pornography’s role in sex education for young people. In response to research and through feedback from those on the ground working with young people, we at the DRCC recognise the importance of educating young people to be critical consumers of pornography. In the absence of programmes focusing on this topic specifically with young people in Ireland, we have developed an educational resource for youth workers and school staff to facilitate with young people. More details here: Pornography
For further information on both projects please email: info@rcc.ie