49 people accompanied to the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) by the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre in the Christmas and New Year Holiday Period ’06-‘07
18 December 2007

Unfortunately the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC) has to remind women and men that Christmas and the New Year period is a time when they need to be extra vigilant. In the Christmas and New Year period of 2006 –‘07 the numbers of men and women who had recently been raped or sexually assaulted and who were accompanied to the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit in the Rotunda Hospital by DRCC Volunteers, peaked to a staggering 49.
Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, Chief Executive, DRCC said “These numbers were so worrying that the Centre worked on a prevention strategy throughout 2007. As part of the strategy the DRCC launched an Awareness Raising Campaign. The message is to encourage people to come forward to avail of the support that is available through the DRCC National 24 hour Helpline 1 800 77 88 88. You can come through this.
The following Staying Safe Tips have also been developed and will hopefully go some way to protect and keep people safe from the perpetrators of these crimes. In the sad event of a crime happening, a person will know how to access the help that is available 24 hours a day 365 days a year.”
Staying Safe
- Nominate a Designated Minder for your group of friends (in the same way as Designated Drivers are used)
- Look out for each other
- Do not get separated from your group
- Keep your drink in your hand at all times
- Do not accept a drink from someone you have just met
- Ask a friend to mind your drink if you have to leave
- Share Taxies
- Make sure your mobile is charged at all times
- If you have to travel alone make sure you have phoned ahead to where you are going and estimate the time of arrival
- Have the Rape Crisis Centre National Freephone Helpline number 1 800 77 8888 keyed into your mobile phone
Steps to take if an attack has taken place
- Contact the Rape Crisis Centre National 24 hr. Helpline 1 800 77 88 88 where you will get guidance to take the appropriate steps for Victims, Family and Friends
- Report to the Gardai as soon as possible
- Seek medical help
Message: You can come through this
For further information please contact:
Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, CEO – 01 661 4911 / 086 809 9618