90 People Accompanied to Sexual Assault Treatment Unit in Third Quarter of 2010 By Dublin Rape Crisis Centre Trained Volunteers
21 October 2010

The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC) has experienced an alarming increase in the numbers of victims accompanied to the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) by its Trained Volunteers in the third quarter of this year.
Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, Chief Executive, DRCC said “There were 90 people accompanied to the SATU at the Rotunda in July, August and September of this year. This compares to 64 people in the previous quarter. There is a very worrying increase in the levels of violence accompanying the attacks and an increase in the numbers of young people who are claiming that their drinks were interfered with.
As we approach another holiday weekend the DRCC wants to impress on everyone to take care and to take heed of the staying safe tips that we have devised. They work and could go a long way to preventing the unthinkable happening:
Staying Safe:
- Key this number into your mobile phone 1 800 77 88 88 *
- Look out for each other
- Do not get separated from your group
- Keep your drink in your hand at all times
- Do not accept a drink from someone you have just met
- Ask a friend to mind your drink if you have to leave
- Nominate a Designated Minder for each group of 6 (in the same way as Designated Drivers are used)
- Share Taxis and lifts
- If you have to travel alone make sure you have phoned ahead to where you are going and estimate the time of arrival
- Make sure you mobile is charged at all times
Steps to be taken if a bad incident occurs:
- Have your mobile phone charged at all times
- If you wish to report the crime, report it to the Gardai
- Seek medical help
- Contact Rape Crisis Centre National 24 hr. Helpline 1 800 77 88 88 where you will get support and guidance for Victims, Family and Friends