A Welcome Step that will hopefully Increase the Reporting of Rape and Sexual Assault
04 October 2007

The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC) welcomes the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Mr. Brian Lenihan’s commitment yesterday in his address to the Dail to prioritise the monitoring of sex offenders and to co-operate with the newly established Cosc Office, which has been recently set up to support victims of domestic, sexual and gender based violence.
Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, Chief Executive, DRCC said “For a very long time we have been calling for reform in the area of sexual crimes. Changes have been made in the past but a lot more needs to be done. As well as Minister Lenihan’s policy commitment, we are also pleased with the announcement from the National Bureau of Criminal Investigation that special victim interviewers are being introduced to aid Garda Investigating Teams in interviewing people under 14, victims with special needs and rape and sexual assault victims.
We have been recommending that specialist Gardai are crucial for dealing appropriately with victims of rape and sexual assault. Ireland has the lowest reporting rate of sexual crimes in over 20 European Countries and having these new units and these specially trained Gardai will hopefully facilitate the victims of these heinous crimes getting to court and getting justice.”
For further information please contact:
Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, CEO – 01 661 4911 / 086 809 9618