Christmas can be ‘difficult and lonely time’ but support is there for survivors - Dublin Rape Crisis Centre appeal
17 December 2024

The festive season can be a difficult and lonely time for people who have experienced sexual violence, according to Dublin Rape Crisis Centre, which is urging anyone who needs support to call the National Rape Crisis Helpline 1800 77 88 88, open 24 hours every day over the Christmas period.
Chief Executive Rachel Morrogh said: “Sexual violence doesn’t stop for Christmas but neither will Dublin Rape Crisis Centre’s services and supports. Our Helpline counsellors are already taking calls from people who have experienced a recent sexual assault during the Christmas party season. Callers are asking for support around harassment, rape, unwanted explicit photos and inappropriate sexual advances. We are expecting these calls to continue throughout December and into the New Year.
“Because they have been socialising, many callers blame themselves for what has happened to them. Our message is that you are not to blame, and support is available, no matter who did it, no matter when or how it happened. The National Helpline can signpost vital medical and other specialised supports. Last year, more than one person every hour called the National Helpline over Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and St Stephens Day and we expect an even higher number this year.
“As well as assaults that have happened recently, Christmas can bring up difficult memories and challenging interactions for victims and survivors of sexual violence. Social gatherings can be very hard, particularly for those who have been subjected to assault by a family member or friend. For some it marks the anniversary of an incident, for others the abuser will be part of the Christmas festivities.
“We also hear from victims and survivors that unkind, thoughtless commentary around sexual violence in social settings is very upsetting for them and this may add further to their sense of isolation. Four in ten people in Ireland have experienced sexual violence in their lifetimes, so we are asking people to be mindful in their conversations over the holidays.”
Dublin Rape Crisis Centre wishes everyone a peaceful and happy Christmas.
Confidential, free support on
24-hour National Rape Crisis Helpline 1800 778888
Notes for editors:
- Dublin Rape Crisis Centre is a non-governmental, voluntary organisation which has as its mission to prevent the harm and heal the trauma of rape. It offers a suite of services to victims/survivors of sexual violence. It also offers a wide range of training and education to professionals and volunteers.
- The recent Signs of Hope campaign platforms powerful messages of hope and encouragement from survivors to others who have not yet reached out for support – learn more at
- We-Consent is a long-term national programme to inform, educate and engage with all members of our society about consent. More information and resources at
- You can donate towards Dublin Rape Crisis Centre’s work on
- Other DRCC services and work:
- DRCC operates the National 24-hour Helpline 1800 778888 to support anyone affected by sexual violence in any part of the country. A webchat support service is available online at Mon-Fri, 10am-5pm. A Helpline Interpreting Service is available for those who do not speak English - more at
- For those contacting the Helpline who are deaf or hard of hearing, we provide a text service, operating Mon-Fri from 8am to 6:30pm, at 086-8238443 and we also have a webchat service available Monday-Friday, 10am to 5pm, except holidays.
- Information on your options after sexual violence is available for free online at any time at in the Finding Your Way after Sexual Violence guide.
- DRCC offers counselling & therapy to adult survivors of sexual violence and to older adolescents from 16 years of age with parental/guardian consent.
- We provide accompaniment support for the Rotunda Sexual Assault Treatment Unit, to court or to Garda stations to people in Dublin and in surrounding areas, by arrangement.
- We have outreach offices at Coolock, Dóchas Women’s Centre, Balbriggan & Tallaght. Access to these services must be arranged via the National Helpline 1800 778888 during working hours, Mon-Fri.
- We ask that when reporting on this topic, journalists should remember that discussions on sexual violence can trigger personal trauma in those receiving the information. Where possible, please make reference to the National 24-hour Helpline 1800 77 88 88 for anyone who may be affected by the discussion.