DRCC highlighted at SIF’s Animate Event

21 May 2018


The DRCC was proud to be highlighted at the Social Innovation Fund’s (SIF) Showcase Event for the Animate Healthy Communities programme. BodyRight, our sexual violence awareness & prevention programme for young people, received an Animate award in late 2017 that provided business planning support, communications support and training to help us deliver BodyRight training to more youth workers, teachers and other youth leaders for use in their communities.

The evening had an impressive programme of speakers including SIF’s Chief Executive Deirdre Mortell; Jacob Gayle, Vice President of the Medtronic Foundation; and David Donoghue, formerly Ireland’s Permanent Representative to the UN and co-chair of the negotiations on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Patrick Paul Walsh, Professor of International Development Studies at UCD, emceed the event. DRCC Head of Education & Training, Leonie O’Dowd, was invited to join a panel of awardees to discuss the impact of SIF and Medtronic support, especially in relation to our 12-month independent evaluation of BodyRight.

The DRCC was delighted to attend the showcase event and is so grateful to both the Medtronic Foundation and to the Social Innovation Fund for their support.