DRCC welcomes opt-in to recast EU Directive on combating sexual abuse & exploitation of children
29 May 2024

Dublin Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC) today welcomed the government’s decision to opt in to a recast Directive on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child sexual abuse material across the European Union.
CEO Rachel Morrogh said: “DRCC supports the aims of this recast Directive to take account in our law of the impact of technological developments. We are encouraged to see that the recast Directive complements the Digital Services Act by enhancing online safety measures and requiring proactive actions from online platforms.
“This alignment underscores the urgent need for comprehensive and adaptive legislation to keep pace with technological advancements, fostering a stronger, more unified approach against child sexual abuse across Europe.
“We also welcome amendments in the recast Directive in relation to prevention, assistance to victims, investigations and prosecutions, targeted at specific gaps and challenges that have emerged since 2011. It places certain additional responsibilities on the State, including around reporting and data collection obligations and ensuring all relevant professions who come into contact with victims have sufficient training.
“DRCC will contribute in whatever way we can to ensure a stronger, united front against child sexual abuse across Europe. We remain dedicated to supporting victims and advocating for policies and legislation that prevent abuse and exploitation,” concluded Ms Morrogh.
Confidential freephone 24-hour National Rape Crisis Helpline 1800 778888
Notes for editors:
- This proposal is a recast of the previous 2011/93 EU Directive which for Ireland largely gave legislative effect to the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 2017. Ireland opted in to the 2011 Directive which was adopted to establish minimum standards to prevent and fight these serious forms of crime, which are directed against children who are victims that have a right to special protection. Read the recast directive at https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:52024PC0060
- Dublin Rape Crisis Centre is a non-governmental, voluntary organisation which has as its mission to prevent the harm and heal the trauma of rape. It offers a suite of services to victims/survivors of sexual violence. It also offers a wide range of training and education to professionals and volunteers.
- Other DRCC services and work:
- DRCC operates the National 24-hour Helpline 1800 778888 to support anyone affected by sexual violence in any part of the country. A webchat support service is available online at drcc.ie Mon-Fri, 10am-5pm. A Helpline Interpreting Service is available for those who do not speak English - more at https://bit.ly/DRCClang
- For those contacting the Helpline who are deaf or hard of hearing, we provide a text service, operating Mon-Fri from 8am to 6:30pm, at 086-8238443 and we also have a webchat service available Monday-Friday, 10am to 5pm, except holidays.
- Information on your options after sexual violence is available for free online at any time at www.drcc.ie/fyw in the Finding Your Way after Sexual Violence guide.
- DRCC offers counselling & therapy to adult survivors of sexual violence and to older adolescents from 16 years of age with parental/guardian consent.
- DRCC provides accompaniment support for the Rotunda Sexual Assault Treatment Unit, to court or to Garda stations to people in Dublin and in surrounding areas, by arrangement.
- We-Consent is a new long-term national programme to inform, educate and engage with all members of our society about consent. More information and resources on having consent conversations at https://www.we-consent.ie/
- DRCC has outreach offices at Coolock, Dóchas Women’s Centre, Balbriggan & Tallaght. Access to these services must be arranged via the National Helpline 1800 778888 during working hours, Mon-Fri.
4. We ask that when reporting on this topic, journalists should remember that discussions on sexual violence can trigger personal trauma in those receiving the information. Where possible, please make reference to the National 24-hour Helpline 1800 77 88 88 for anyone who may be affected by the discussion.