DRCC welcomes the sentencing of Derry O’Rourke
31 July 2024

Dublin Rape Crisis Centre today welcomed the sentencing of Derry O’Rourke for the rape and sexual assault of a teenager during his time as her swim coach in the 1990s.
Chief Executive Rachel Morrogh, said: ‘Dublin Rape Crisis Centre welcomes the sentence handed down to child rapist Derry O’Rourke and the fact his late admission of guilt was not considered a mitigating factor of substance.
‘But as much as we welcome justice today, it is also marked with sorrow, knowing what he stole from his victim. As she put it herself, he changed her entire existence for the worst, that he taken so much it was not his to take and nothing can ever give it back.
‘Despite his threats and denials, the immense dignity, resilience and courage of the woman has shone through in this latest ordeal of having to go to trial. Today’s sentence is a reflection of her tenacity, her exceptional qualities and her character. It is evidence that it is never too late to seek justice.
“Derry O’Rourke manipulated the trust given to him as well as the access and position he held. He committed acts of sickening depravity against a child whose dreams he cast aside to carry out a nightmare of his creation.
“He has made nothing easy for her over the last 30 years. As well as putting her through the awful process of a trial, while knowing he was guilty , he attacked her credibility, invalidated her experience and even claimed he didn’t know her. We hope that his victim takes heart and healing from the verdict and the 10 year sentence handed down by Ms Justice Melanie Greally today.
‘We understand the news reports may affect survivors of childhood sexual abuse in different ways, and urge anyone who needs support to contact the 24-hour National Rape Crisis Helpline on 1800 77 88 88 for free, confidential support.’
Notes for editors:
- Dublin Rape Crisis Centre is a non-governmental, voluntary organisation which has as its mission to prevent the harm and heal the trauma of rape. It offers a suite of services to victims/survivors of sexual violence. It also offers a wide range of training and education to professionals and volunteers.
- DRCC operates the National 24-hour Helpline 1800 778888 to support anyone affected by sexual violence in any part of the country. A webchat support service is available online at drcc.ie Mon-Fri, 10am-5pm. A Helpline Interpreting Service is available for those who do not speak English - more at https://bit.ly/DRCClang
- For those contacting the Helpline who are deaf or hard of hearing, we provide a text service, operating Mon-Fri from 8am to 6:30pm, at 086-8238443 and we also have a webchat service available Monday-Friday, 10am to 5pm, except holidays.
- Information on your options after sexual violence is available for free online at any time at www.drcc.ie/fyw in the Finding Your Way after Sexual Violence guide.
- DRCC offers counselling & therapy to adult survivors of sexual violence and to older adolescents from 16 years of age with parental/guardian consent.
- We provide accompaniment support for the Rotunda Sexual Assault Treatment Unit, to court or to Garda stations to people in Dublin and in surrounding areas, by arrangement.
- We have outreach offices at Coolock, Dóchas Women’s Centre, Balbriggan & Tallaght. Access to these services must be arranged via the National Helpline 1800 778888 during working hours, Mon-Fri.
- We ask that when reporting on this topic, journalists should remember that discussions on sexual violence can trigger personal trauma in those receiving the information. Where possible, please make reference to the National 24-hour Helpline 1800 77 88 88 for anyone who may be affected by the discussion.