DRCC’s response to the Film Fairytale of Kathmandu Responsibility always rests with the adults in the area of exploitation
12 March 2008

Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, Chief Executive of the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC) said: “The Neasa Ni Chianain’s film Fairytale of Kathmandu sadly reveals that naiveté and the desire to be on a pedestal or to put others on pedestals, is indeed very dangerous territory. The film highlights a very uncomfortable truth, that there is in all of us the propensity to exploit other human beings and that as adults we must always be vigilant around the gap between intentions and effect.
Over the past number of weeks both Cathal O Shearchaigh and Neasa Ni Chianain have been demonised from different quarters. They are both adults and Western adults who have the education and the access to look out for themselves in these matters, and we would hope that they both find the courage to ask the serious questions that they need to ask of themselves.
However, the DRCC, as an organisation that has worked with the victims of rape and sexual abuse for nearly 30 years, has to have as its main concern the boys in this film, and there is no doubt in our minds but that this film was about their exploitation. Responsibility always rests with the adults in the area of exploitation.”
For further information please contact:
Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, CEO – 01 661 4911 / 086 809 9618