Launch of Ireland’s National Action Plan for Implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325
01 December 2011

The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre welcomes the Launch of Ireland’s National Action Plan for Implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325.
Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop Chief Executive DRCC said: “Over the past number of years Ireland has demonstrated its commitment to tackling the problem of gender based violence in our society through the development of the National Strategy on the Prevention of Domestic , Sexual and Gender Based Violence by the Cosc office in the Department of Justice and Equality.
Today with the launch of Ireland’s National Action Plan for the Implementation of the United Nations Security Resolution 1325, which was adopted in 2000 and is recognition of the unique and disproportionate impact of conflict globally on women and girls, Ireland is demonstrating its commitment to tackling the problem globally as well as nationally. We welcome this initiative and very happy to see that the plan is for IMPLEMENTATION.
The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre continues to respond to the needs of women who have been the victims of rape and sexual abuse in their countries of origin including asylum seekers, refugees, trafficked women and migrant workers. Rape is too often used as a weapon of war in conflict torn countries in the world. The centre also continues to respond to the needs of women and girls in Ireland who have been victims of rape and sexual abuse.
This year alone the volunteers of the DRCC have accompanied 255 victims of rape and sexual violence to the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit of the Rotunda Hospital up to the end of October 2011. This is a very sad reflection on Irish Society today. We must continue to work towards the elimination of this type of violence and we do so through prevention, awareness raising and education both nationally and globally.”