The DRCC’s Election Manifesto 2016

19 January 2016


The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre is calling on all Political Parties to include in their election manifestos a commitment to the following:

D             Deliver a second SAVI (Sexual Abuse and Violence in Ireland) Report to get the true prevalence of Sexual Violence in Ireland

R             Restore funding to Rape Crisis Centres so that they can deliver the much needed services to victims of sexual violence as a consequence of the fall-out from the publications of the Ferns, Ryan, Murphy and Cloyne Reports

C              Concentrate on ensuring that the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Bill 2015 and the Criminal Justice (Victims of Crime) Bill 2015 are progressed into legislation

C              Create and support a safer society for all by providing age related education and prevention programmes in Primary, Secondary and 3rd Level Institutions

Services of the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC)

  • A 24-hour Telephone Crisis Line 1800 77 88 88
  • A Crisis Counselling Service for  victims of recent rape, sexual abuse and sexual harassment
  • Long-term therapy for adult victims of child sexual abuse and sexual violence
  • Training of professionals who work with victims of sexual violence
  • Training programmes on preventing and dealing with harassment and sexual harassment in the workplace for managers, supervisors and staff in companies and organisations
  • Educational programmes on all aspects of sexual abuse
  • Lobby Government for legislative changes
  • Research and statistics
  • Publish an Annual Report


Phone: 01 661 4911 Fax: 01 661 0873 National 24 hr. Helpline 1 800 77 88 88


DRCC, 70, Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2. Ireland.