The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre welcomes the apology of Mr. Barra McGrory to Mairia Cahill and the two other victims

23 May 2015


Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, CEO Dublin Rape Crisis Centre said : “The DRCC notes  the findings of Sir Keir Starmer’s review of Northern Ireland’s Public Prosecution Services’ handling of the complaints of Mairia Cahill and two others.  We welcome Northern Ireland’s DPP Barra McGrory’s apology to the three victims as a consequence, which indicates  a culture of transparency and accountability.

We hope that this will give other victims the courage to report and to stay the course of the criminal justice system so the perpetrators of these heinous crimes are appropriately punished and victims get justice.”

Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, Chief Executive, DRCC                            01 6614911

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