The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre adds its voice to the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence In Conflict

12 June 2014


The British Foreign Secretary, William Hague and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Angeline Jolie are co-chairing a Global Summit in London over these few days (June 10-13) to End Sexual Violence in Conflict.
This afternoon the British Embassy in Dublin is hosting a link to the summit and has invited the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre and a number of other relevant NGOs and statutory agencies to take part.
Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, CEO of the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre said: “The DRCC is delighted to link in to this very important summit which is raising awareness of the importance of tackling this most serious global crime. We share the summit’s objectives of shattering the culture of impunity that surrounds these most heinous crimes which are committed against, women, children and men. We support the provision of the necessary services to help the victims heal and recover.
Between 1993 and 2002, with funding from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Irish Aid, the DRCC provided training for local professionals and voluntary workers in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo, in response to the challenge of mass rape in the former Yogoslavia. It is unthinkable that these crimes continue to be committed now in war torn countries of the world. We have been approached to provide similar support for victims in Syria but unfortunately to date we have been unable to secure the funding to deliver the training.
We will continue to reiterate the message that shifts the unjust and destructive stigma of shame from the victims and their families to the perpetrators.”