The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre is Perplexed by the Statement Released Today by the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs in Relation to the National Audit of Catholic Church Dioceses
07 January 2009

The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre broadly welcomes Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Barry Andrew’s announcement of the Government’s decision that the Commission of Investigation into the Dublin Archdiocese include under its terms of reference an examination of the practices and policies in relation to child protection by the Catholic Diocese of Cloyne.
Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, Chief Executive of the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC) said: “While we broadly welcome the Cabinet’s decision as conveyed by Minister Andrews, we are perplexed by the fact that his statement includes HSE recommendations not to refer any diocese to the Dublin Commission, including Cloyne. The HSE’s recommendations come as a result of what is called an analysis of a questionnaire sent to all Dioceses and a separate review of the Diocese of Cloyne.
On further reading we learn that all the Dioceses have not completed Section 5 of the Questionnaire which makes up the bulk of the information about the actual cases.
If the Cabinet’s decision is to refer the Diocese of Cloyne to the Commission of Investigation into the Dublin Archdiocese, then why not refer all the other Dioceses?”
For further information please contact:
Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, CEO – 01 661 4911 / 086 809 9618