Tips to help young people Stay Safe this Summer
12 August 2008

The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC) is very aware of the need for young people to take care, and to be vigilant, when it comes to celebrating and to going abroad. Over the past number of summers the centre has seen an increase in the incidents of young men and women being raped or sexually assaulted while celebrating exam results, attending outdoor summer events, or when they are holidaying together abroad.
Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, Chief Executive, DRCC said “It is terribly sad to see young people absolutely devastated after experiencing a rape or a sexual assault while holidaying with friends abroad, celebrating exam results or attending concerts here in Ireland. The young people we see at the centre are usually under 20 years of age and these experiences are very shocking for everyone involved. We have devised a Staying Safe check list which we hope will be helpful.
We are also issuing a warning to potential perpetrators that having sexual intercourse with a person without their consent constitutes rape. It is a violation of a person’s human rights to take advantage of another person when they are in a vulnerable situation. We urge that these crimes are reported and that the perpetrators are appropriately punished.”
There are two parts to the Staying Safe suggestions. Section 1 is for prevention and Section 2 is what to do in the event of a rape or a sexual assault happening.
Staying Safe Section 1
- Look out for each other
- Do not get separated from your group
- Keep your drink in your hand at all times
- Do not accept a drink from someone you have just met
- Ask a friend to mind your drink if you have to leave
- Stay in popular places and do not go to remote places
- Nominate a Designated Minder for each group of 6 (in the same way as Designated Drivers are used)
- Share Taxis and lifts
- If you have to travel alone make sure you have phoned ahead to where you are going and estimate the time of arrival
- Make sure you mobile is charged at all times
- Be aware having sexual intercourse with a person without their consent constitutes rape
Staying Safe Section 2
Steps to be taken if a bad incident occurs:
- Key this number into your mobile phone 1 800 77 88 88 *
- Have your mobile phone charged at all times
- If in Ireland report the crime to the Gardai and seek medical help
- If abroad have the phone number of the local Irish Embassy or Consulate keyed into your mobile phone
- Have the local phone number of the Travel Agency Rep. keyed into your phone
- Phone the Embassy or Consulate
- Phone local Travel Agency Rep.
- Bring the person to the local hospital
- Report to Police if recommended
- On returning home make sure all the appropriate tests are taken for Pregnancy, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, etc.
- Contact Rape Crisis Centre National 24 hr. Helpline 1 800 77 88 88 where you will get support and guidance for Victims, Family and Friends
For further information please contact:
Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, CEO – 01 661 4911 / 086 809 9618