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DRCC not affected by data breach
It has been reported that a number of organisations including some rape crisis centres have been affected by a third-party data breach of …
National online guide for survivors of sexual violence launched
A new guide offering detailed information to victims and survivors on their options after sexual violence that …
Review of systemic abuses in Defence Forces welcome but strong, swift action needed
Dublin Rape Crisis Centre has said a review published today (Tuesday 28 March) …
We-Consent, a new three-year campaign, ignites a national conversation about consent
We-Consent, a new three-year campaign, ignites a national conversation about …
DRCC Opinion: Online abuse is abuse - time to end it
Sexual violence of all forms can be very hard to see. Because it is about non-consensual sexual behaviour and activity, …
DRCC: Marking first anniversary of Ashling Murphy’s death
Dublin Rape Crisis Centre today sent heartfelt wishes and renewed condolences to Ashling Murphy's family and …
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