Call to public to ‘Think Consent’ over Christmas
19 December 2019
Dublin Rape Crisis Centre today (19 December) reminded the public that the National Free 24-Hour Helpline 1800 77 8888 will remain open throughout the Christmas holidays for anyone who needs confidential information or support after rape or other sexual assault.
DRCC Chief Executive Noeline Blackwell added that all rape and other sexual abuse is preventable. “Rape happens when a person knowingly or recklessly has non-consensual sex with someone else. It is up to everyone to ensure that they have their sexual partner’s full consent. To do otherwise can cause terrible harm, may be criminal and is inexcusable,” she said.
She also thanked the dedicated Dublin Rape Crisis Centre volunteers and staff who were providing support to survivors of sexual violence around the clock over the Christmas period, as well as the many individuals and bodies who have supported the Centre and its work during 2019.
Full holiday opening hours are available on the DRCC website,
Notes for editors:
- Dublin Rape Crisis Centre is a non-governmental, voluntary organisation which has as its mission to prevent the harm and heal the trauma of rape. It offers a suite of services to victims of sexual violence. It runs the National 24-hour Helpline for those who need support in any part of the country. It offers face-to-face therapy and accompaniment to the Rotunda Sexual Assault Treatment Unit, to court or to Garda stations to people in Dublin and in surrounding areas from its offices at Leeson Street. There are outreach offices at Coolock Civic Centre, Dóchas Women’s Centre, Mountjoy Prison and Tallaght Hospital as well as in North County Dublin. It runs education and training courses on a wide variety of topics associated with its work.
- We ask that when reporting on this topic, and particularly over the Christmas/New Year period, journalists remember that discussions on sexual violence can trigger personal trauma in those receiving the information. Where possible, please make reference to the National 24-hour helpline number 1800 77 88 88 for anyone who may be affected by the discussion.
- Opening hours for the DRCC including holiday opening is at at