Press Release: DRCC releases DublinRCC App & Ezine

13 December 2013


The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC) is pleased to announce the publication of its new ezine. In the first edition we are also launching our new information app in collaboration with

Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, CEO, DRCC said; “In today’s world social media is the medium by which most young people communicate. We are delighted that the DRCC is now in a position to offer all its information via the new DublinRCC app which is available to download on both iPhone and android.

Please click here to view the ezine and to access the DublinRCC app.[UNIQID]

The DRCC services include: the provision of the National 24 hour helpline, court accompaniment, accompaniment to the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit and Garda accompaniment as well as a comprehensive counselling service. We also provide Education and Training programmes and outreach talks to schools.  We lobby government for the policy and legislative changes that are necessary to respond appropriately to the crime and to prevent sexual violence in our society.

There is a donate button on the app and we hope the public will continue to support our fundraising efforts which are so vital for the ongoing delivery of the frontline services to victims of sexual violence in Ireland.

The DRCC is totally compliant with all the requirements of the  service level agreement it signs each year with its main statutory funder the HSE. It has a paid staff cohort of 30 professionals who are supported by 70 trained volunteers. All salaries had been based on HSE similar post scales up to 2009. However since 2009 there has been a decrease in the grant of approximately 20% + and a decrease in fundraising, due to the economic crisis. As a consequence, all salaries at the DRCC since 2009, have been frozen and all management and staff  have taken two further cuts to their salaries, ranging from 6% to 20%.  The Centre has a Board of Directors and the Board, CEO, management and staff adhere to the highest standards of corporate governance practice.  Accounts are audited annually and are returned to the company’s office and are in the public domain. A summary of the audited accounts is published in the Annual Report. All Annual Reports are available on the DRCC website, which can be accessed now on the new app.

No matter where you are in the country this app will direct you to your nearest RCC. If you have been a victim of sexual violence you will  have the information in your own phone to get the support you need. If your friend, your neighbour, your sister or brother discloses to you that they have been a victim of rape, sexual abuse or sexual assault, with this app on your phone, you will have the information at your finger tip, to give the appropriate support.”


For further information please contact:

Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, Chief Executive, DRCC                        01 6614911 / 086 809 9618