Today An Taoiseach Mr. Enda Kenny, TD, will formally open McGonnell House the now permanent home of the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC)

10 December 2015


Ellen O’Malley Dunlop, Chief Executive of the DRCC said, “ One year ago the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre was in danger of losing the property it was renting at 70 Lower Leeson Street. The property, which it had called home for 26 years, was put on the market for sale. There was no possibility that the centre could afford to buy the building. It was struggling to keep the services going because of huge cuts to its statutory funding and a big decline in its fundraising.

As a result of the publication of the many reports over the past 10 years Ferns, Ryan, Murphy and Cloyne, more and more victims of rape and sexual abuse were coming forward and finding their voices. They were accessing the services of the DRCC and other RCCs around the country through the National 24 hour helpline that is operated from the DRCC. Our first commitment was and is, to the survivors of rape, sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse and to provide them with the services they need to heal and to recover from the trauma of these heinous crimes committed against them. To be able to buy the building was a far off dream.

But dreams do come true and our dream was made possible by one of our very generous benefactors of many years, Mr. Brendan McGonnell. Sadly Mr. McGonnell died a short time ago and it is in his memory that we are naming the now permanent home of the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre, McGonnell House.

It is a great honour for all of us especially for the clients of the centre, to have An Taoiseach Mr. Enda Kenny, with us today.  His presence demonstrates his support for the important work that is delivered by Rape Crisis Centres.  Today is a celebration for all the victims of sexual violence and for all who work in the Rape Crisis Centre”.

An Taoiseach Enda Kenny said, “The work, care and commitment of the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre is exemplary, not alone the work of the staff, but of the volunteers, who have always been the beating heart of Dublin Rape Crisis Centre. Within that strong, compassionate, quiet yet listening, care they have held thousands of men and women, keeping them safe while they came to terms with their shattering experience. With the help of the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre, those who have been so devastatingly hurt can begin to heal and start to put their broken lives back together”.

National 24-Hour Helpline 1800 77 8888