The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre welcomes the publication of the Heads of Criminal Justice (Victims of Crime) Bill

14 July 2015


Ellen O’Malley –Dunlop, CEO DRCC said “We are very pleased to see the publication of the Heads of the new Criminal Justice (Victims of Crime) Bill today by Minister Frances Fitzgerald. For far too long the rights of the victim in the criminal justice system were not given any recognition and it is very welcome to see statutory rights for victims on the horizon.

We look forward, with our colleagues in the Victims Rights Alliance to responding to Minister Fitzgerald’s Bill. We also look forward to the enactment of this Bill into law so that victims will be better able to stay the course of the criminal justice system. We hope that the Government will take into consideration, in the upcoming budget, the provision of the necessary resources that will be needed to ensure that all aspects of the Bill can be implemented.”


Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, Chief Executive, DRCC                        01 6614911