Joint Letter from survivors to members of Dáil Éireann
Dublin Rape Crisis Centre welcomes this incredible survivor-led advocacy aimed at raising awareness and calling for …
We-Consent research: Male and female attitudes to consent
Overview of We-Consent research findings on male and female attitudes to consent. Research undertaken by Opinions …
Sexual Assault Treatment Units
Over a thousand people attended a sexual assault unit in Ireland in 2023. Newstalk Reporter Sarah Madden visited the Dublin SATU to find out …
Handbook: Interpreting in Situations of DSGBV
This handbook, developed by Dublin Rape Crisis Centre as part of Justisigns2, is intended to support sign and spoken language …
Our Time to Heal
Three survivors, Paula Doyle, Chris Rooke and Karen Stanley speaking on their experiences and hopes for the future.
DRCC Annual Report 2023 Statistics
In 2023, the National Rape Crisis Helpline recorded over 18,600 contacts which is the highest level ever in Dublin Rape Crisis Centre’s …
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