Dublin Rape Crisis Centre wants to provide support to people in a way that is safe and respectful to both you and to our support workers. Please note the following ‘house rules’ for people using the DRCC webchat support service - full information is on our webchat page.
You will not be able to access chat support unless you read & agree to the following:
- Do not use obscene or offensive language. You will be asked to stop if your language is extreme and unacceptable. If this behaviour continues, the support worker may choose to end the chat.
- Do not link to offensive or sexually explicit sites.
- Do not advertise or promote services.
- Do not pretend to be someone else.
- Do not disclose any identifiable information about yourself or others.
- Note that we have a duty to report any child protection concerns to appropriate authorities, as per the Children First National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017.
If a support worker feels they are dealing with a nuisance or obscene caller, they have the right to terminate the chat.
I have read & understood the rules and am over 18 years of age:
Accept these rules