Audited accounts for 2017 (2018)
Directors report & audited accounts for year ending 31 Dec 2017.
Submission on proposed 5th Programme of Law Reform (2018)
Submission to the Law Reform Commission in respect of its proposed new Programme of Law Reform, February 2018.
Joint submission to Commission on the Future of Policing in Ireland (2018)
This submission to the Commission made by the following Rape Crisis Centres, who work together on …
AskConsent Leaflet 2018
Leaflet with basic information on consent plus details of RCCs. Issued 2018.
CEO Opening Statement to Eighth Amendment Committee (Nov 2017)
Opening Statement by CEO of the DRCC to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Eigth Amendment of the …
Submission on suspended sentencing (2017)
Submission to on suspended sentencing, October 2017 - covering: General Sentencing Principles and Suspended Sentences The Presumption …
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