DRCC Resource: Coping with Nightmares (2022)
Distressing nightmares and disturbed sleep are common symptoms of sexual violence and trauma. They can increase anxiety before …
DRCC Resource: Coping with Panic Attacks (2022)
Panic attacks are very frightening events that feel like they come out of nowhere and for no apparent reason. They trigger …
DRCC Resource: Healthy relationships (2022)
Relationships are an important part of our everyday life and well-being. Whether with family, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, …
DRCC submission to Judicial Planning Working Group (Nov 2021)
Following the Programme for Government commitment “to establish a working group to consider the number and type …
Real Consent in Ireland
‘Real Consent in Ireland ' is the first national study of its kind and examines attitudes to and understanding of sexual consent in Ireland across …
Role of Consent in Healthy Sexual Encounters
Qualitative research presentation by Dr Karen Hand on the role of consent in healthy sexual encounters Commissioned by DRCC …
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