Prevalence of sexual violence

52 women40 people22 men

The main source of data on the prevalence of sexual violence in Ireland is the Sexual Violence Survey conducted by the Central Statistics Office in 2022 and published in 2023.

Apart from the main overview, the CSO also published more specific data in five separate releases, on Adult Experiences, Childhood Experiences, Disclosure of Sexual Violence Experiences, Sexual Harassment, and Attitudes to Sexual Violence

The CSO defines sexual violence as “a range of non-consensual experiences, from non-contact experiences to non-consensual sexual intercourse… Sexual violence is any sexual act which takes place without freely given consent or where someone forces or manipulates someone else into unwanted sexual activity.”

Please remember that free, confidential and non-judgmental support is there 24/7 for anyone affected by sexual violence, including family and friends of victims and survivors, on the National Helpline at 1800 778888.

Overall prevalence of sexual violence experiences in Ireland


Percentage of Respondents who Experienced Sexual Violence (1)

Childhood experience of sexual violence – Female 36% 
Childhood experience of sexual violence – Male 22% 
Childhood experience of sexual violence – overall 29% 
Adult experiences of sexual violence – Female 39% 
Adult experiences of sexual violence – Male 12% 
Overall Adult experiences of sexual violence 26% 
Lifetime experience of sexual violence - Female  52% 
Lifetime experience of sexual violence - Male  28% 
Lifetime experience of sexual violence -Overall40% 


Adult experiences of sexual violence

  • 21% of women and 13% of men said that they had experienced non-consensual sexual intercourse as an adult.

  • 46% of bisexual people said that they had experienced non-consensual sexual intercourse as an adult.

(Source: CSO Sexual Violence Survey)

Types of sexual violence experienced by respondents in adulthood

(Source: CSO SVS 2023)

Forms of sexual violence adults graphs (3)

(Source: CSO SVS 2023)

Form of Sexual ViolenceAverageMaleFemale
Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse13%5%21%
Attempted Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse 15%7%23%
Physical Sexual Assault 30%17%43%

Forms of sexual harassment experienced by respondents in the last 12 months 

(Source: CSO SVS 2023)

Form of sexual harassmentAverage Male    Female  
Stalking with fear of sexual violence3%1%4%
Remarks of a sexual nature12%6%17%
Physical exposure4%1%6%
Inappropriate physical contact9%4%15%
Inappropriate sexual advances7%2%12%
Remarks of a sexual nature online9%4%14%
Exposure to sexually explicit images5%3%7%
Sexual images or videos shared without permission2%2%2%
Any other sexually inappropriate behaviour7%3%11%

LGBTQ+ experiences of sexual violence

Forms of sexual violence adults graphs (4)

  • 46% of bisexual people said that they had experienced sexual violence in their adulthood, with 24% saying this took place with a partner
  • 21% of people who are asexual, questioning or unsure of their sexuality had experienced sexual violence in their adulthood, with 12% stating this took place with a partner 
  • 14% of gay or lesbian people stated that they had experienced sexual violence in their adulthood, with 6% stating this had taken place with a partner
  • 12% of heterosexual people stated that they had experienced sexual violence in their adulthood, with 7% stating this had taken place with a partner. 

(Sources: CSO SVS survey tbl49, CSO SVS survey tbl84)

Childhood Experiences of Sexual Violence

Percentage of respondents who experienced "Contact Sexual Violence" as a child, by form

(Source: CSO SVS 2023)

Forms of sexual violence child (1)

Form of contact sexual violence Average Male Female 
Sexual Intercourse 4% 2% 7% 
Attempted Sexual Intercourse  5% 3% 8% 
Sexual Touching  17% 11% 24% 
Other sexual contact  10% 5% 15% 

Percentage of respondents who experienced "Non-Contact Sexual Violence" as a child, by form

(Source: CSO SVS 2023)

Forms of sexual violence child (2)

Form of sexual violence Average Male Female 
Shown pornographic material 9% 10% 7% 
Made to undress and pose for photos  2% 1% 3% 
Physical exposure by someone 13% 6% 20% 
Someone masturbated in front of them 8% 6% 10% 

Percentage of respondents who experienced sexual violence as a child, by sexual orientation

(Source: CSO SVS 2023)

Forms of sexual violence child (3)

Sexual orientationPercentage of Respondants
Other including asexual/questioning/unsure  25%


DRCC Data 2022

DRCC collects anonymised data related to our service users.
(Source: DRCC Annual Report 2022 pg 18)

Subheading (1)

Almost four in ten clients (38.4%) reported being raped as an adult. Some 6.93% cited marital or intimate partner rape, 13.4% sexual assault, and 2.26% sexual harassment as adults.

37.8% of clients experienced sexual abuse as a child.

About one in 15 clients (6.5%) had experienced sexual violence as both a child and an adult.