The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC) welcomes the 2 new Ministerial appointments

09 May 2014


Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, Chief Executive DRCC said: “The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre has worked with Minister Frances Fitzgerald since her appointment as Minister for Children and Youth Affairs and has found her to be a dedicated, energetic and committed Minister, who had at the heart of her tenure for the past three years, the welfare and well being of the children of Ireland.  She delivered on her promise to put the Rights of the Child into our Constitution and led the Children’s Rights Referendum.  She oversaw the establishment of the Child and Family Agency, Tusla, which was formally established on January 1st this year. She has also brought forward the Bill to put Child Protection on a statutory footing.

She has been an unrelenting supporter of the prevention of Domestic and Sexual Violence in Ireland and we look forward to working with her in her new role as Minister for Justice and Equality, to deliver on the proposed welcome legislation initiated by her colleague Minister Shatter. We congratulate her and we wish her every success.

We also look forward to working with Charlie Flanagan, TD, as the new Minister for Children and Youth Affairs.  From our engagements with him in the past and his track record as a strong advocate for children, we have no doubt but that he will build on the strong foundations of the work of Minister Fitzgerald.”