Today we saw a further abuse of power played out before our very eyes. Have we learned anything?

20 May 2009


The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC) was absolutely shocked today when representatives arrived at the Conrad Hotel in Dublin, to pick up a copy of the five volumes documenting the 10 year Report from the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse, only to learn that there was a Press Conference which was not open to them or to the victims who had also arrived.

Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, DRCC Chief Executive, said “It will take a long time to digest the contents of the report but it is imperative that the recommendations from this report be implemented and not left on a shelf after the initial responses to the launch as happens to so many reports. The recommendations come under two main headings:

  • To alleviate or otherwise address the effects of the abuse on those who suffered and
  • To prevent where possible and reduce the incidence of abuse of children in institutions and to protect children from such abuse

However the way in which the Press Conference was conducted by the Commission today, begs the question have we learned anything? Today gentle men who as children were the victims of the abuse documented in this report, came to witness the launch of the report and the doors were closed to them as it was to victim support groups. We have to ask the question WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TODAY OF ALL DAYS? Under one of the recommendations the report requires that A culture of respecting and implementing rules and regulations and of observing codes of conduct should be developed. Common courtesy was sadly lacking today. The hurt and re-victimization was palpable and totally unnecessary. It distracted from any solace that these people should have received from the publication of the documented evidence of their pain and suffering.

This report not only highlights the institutional abuse it shines a very disturbing light on an Irish society which turned its back on its children.

The national 24 hour helpline for victims of rape and sexual abuse is 1 800 77 88 88. There is always a trained person at the end of the line.

For further information please contact:
Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, CEO – 01 661 4911 / 086 809 9618