Policy & advocacy overview

Dublin Rape Crisis Centre works to prevent the harm and heal the trauma of sexual violence. To further this mission, we carry out advocacy, policy and research that aims to influence change in policies, services and legislation that affect victims of sexual violence. 


We believe that all services and measures created to provide for survivors of sexual violence must respect the experience and opinions of these survivors.  Equally, we believe the voice of survivors must be heard and reflected in policy, legislation and education aimed at preventing sexual violence.

We advocate on behalf of victims of sexual violence to help ensure that they have access to responsive and sensitive services provided by medical personnel, An Garda Siochána and those involved the criminal justice process.


Our work on policy helps create a better understanding of the harm of sexual violence which in turn feeds into prevention strategies. First and foremost, we ensure that the rights and dignity of survivors/victims are respected at all times. We seek to promote accuracy and sensitivity in how sexual violence is reported, inform policymaking at a national level, and strengthen support services. 

To this end, we make submissions to relevant bodies and collaborate with Government, non-profit organisations, academic institutions, and the general public to ensure that all available resources to prevent sexual violence are utilised.

We provide analysis to journalists, students and the general public on a number of issues, including adequacy of services and the experience of victims in the health and justice systems.