16 Days of Action 2024

While gender-based violence impacts all genders, women are disproportionately the victims/survivors of it. In Ireland, 71% of callers to the 24-hour National Rape Crisis Helpline in 2023 were women (DRCC Annual Report 20223)
The 16 Days of Activism is an opportunity to raise awareness and show support for those who experience Gender-Based Violence. This global campaign allows us to show solidarity among those working to prevent gender-based violence, to strengthen the work being done, and to call for action from those who can effect change.
This year’s theme is #NoExcuse: UNITE to End Violence against Women. There is no excuse for sexual violence. We all have a role to play in creating a society where there is no tolerance for sexual violence and all survivors are supported.
How can you get involved?
- Join us on Dec 7th for We-Consent Day of Action - Sign up here
- Follow us on our social media platforms and share our posts
- Donate to support the Dubin Rape Crisis Centre’s vital work
- Learn more about our services for yourself or for anyone who might need them
- Visit we-consent.ie to find out how you can contribute to a society free from sexual violence.
If you want to share your experience in a safely, securely and anonymously, visit WeSpeak.ie. The purpose of We-Speak is to provide a platform for these stories, in all of their diversity, so people can reclaim their voice.
Stories are powerful & can build awareness, cultivate empathy and ultimately create change. Every Story Matters.
If someone tells you that they have experienced sexual violence, what you say and do matters.
Learn more about how to support those who have experienced sexual violence at the We-Consent.ie Resource Hub.