DRCC looking to hear from you #MeToo


Note: Survey is now closed.

The #MeToo movement has enabled millions of people, some for the first time, to name the harassment and abuse that they suffered. It brought about a climate where people are hearing how the same thing happened to others. It was a shift in the conversation because it broke the silence. It also highlighted gaps in accessing safe ways to raise concerns and to get an effective remedy.

Here at the DRCC we are looking for a way to communicate with people who have spoken out under #MeToo to find out from them if it was an effective way to speak out about the sexual harassment they experienced.

For those who thought about engaging with #MeToo but didn’t, who wanted to name their harassment but haven’t; what could be done to made it better or safer to speak out and report it?

How do we facilitate the identification of better systems which allow people to report, to have a fair, non-threatening investigation and to get an effective remedy?

What do we want from you?

#MeToo Survey

As you can see we have more questions than answers and that’s where you come in. Our survey asks about your experience of sexual harassment, if any. During the month of September, we really need you to share your thoughts and opinions with us.

  1. Was #MeToo what you needed to speak up and speak out about the harassment you experienced?
  2. If not, can you tell us what stopped you from talking about or reporting your experience?
  3. Outside of #MeToo what do you think would be a safer, better way to report and get redress for sexual harassment?
  4. What is an effective remedy or outcome?

Why do we want this information?

We believe you can help to inform us about the best ways of establishing even safer spaces in which to disclose. We also want to learn more about what effective remedies might look like.

What will we do with the information and experiences that are shared with us?

We’ll collate the responses and post updates on the website. Be assured none of what we do will identify anyone.

What we really want is to hear what you think would help create a better system to allow people to report and complain about sexual harassment.

So we are asking you to take part in our on-line survey click here: #MeToo

Please remember our helpline is always available to you for support on 1800 778888