Issues of Childhood Sexual Abuse

20 September 2023, 9:30am - 1:30pm


Issues of Childhood Sexual Abuse – Wednesday, 20th September, 2023


Time: 9:30 – 13:30
Cost: €75 per attendee
Online training - link sent to attendees


This training programme is for staff who are working with clients who have experienced childhood sexual abuse


To increase the participants’ understanding of the dynamics and impact of child sexual abuse, and to enhance their capacity to support their clients in dealing with this issue.


Participants will:

  • Be aware of the core limiting beliefs formed by the child who has experienced childhood sexual abuse
  • Be aware of the effects of childhood sexual abuse, and the strategies employed by children in order to survive
  • Develop their understanding and skills in facilitating a disclosure of child sexual abuse or other trauma, while avoiding re-traumatisation of the client
  • Understand the impact of vicarious traumatisation, and develop strategies to prevent and deal with this

The training approach is participative. Methods used include group discussion, lecture, case studies, DVDs. There is a strong theme throughout of the importance of developing resourcing strategies for the worker, and the prevention of vicarious traumatisation and burnout.

The training approach is invitational, with the sensitive nature of the issues being covered and the fact that they may resonate for participants acknowledged.  Participation is encouraged but without pressure.  


Click here for application form.  Note that due to the participative nature of this training, there are limited places available.

Instructions for applications:

  1. Click on the application form link above
  2. Pick the date that you wish to apply for from the dropdown menu – you access this by clicking on the magnifying glass symbol.
  3. You can only select one training at a time
  4. Fill out the rest of the form & hit submit.
  5. You will be added to our list and sent a confirmation email, usually within 2 working days.
  6. If the course is full you will be put on the waiting list and notified of same immediately.

Please complete the application form as soon as possible as places are awarded on a first come, first served basis.

Online - link sent to participants